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The 7 Cs for Building a Winning Team

Updated: Sep 9, 2020

I saw an image on Pinterest, one of my favorite social media sites, that I found useful for the growth of any team. It read: The 7 Cs for Building a Winning Team. The 7 Cs were coaching, character, communication, commitment, contagious energy, caring and consistency. The 7 Cs could be implemented in a family, the workplace or within an organization. These tools can be used to help promote a culture of positivity, boost morale and maintain talented employees, volunteers and perhaps board members in a business or organization. The image didn’t include an explanation, so I took the liberty to provide a brief summary for each of them. 

Coaching – Just as athletes need to be coached in order to perform at their optimum level, individuals in the workplace, and perhaps even those in your family or community organizations, need to be coached. For the purpose of this article we will focus on coaching in the workplace. Coaching provides people with the knowledge, tools and opportunities to develop personally and professionally. Often, companies hire employees with the right degree of education but perhaps not enough real-life experiences. Coaching can be used in the workplace to produce successful, driven and committed employees as well as to meet organizational goals. A good workplace coach will have knowledge of the subject matter, the ability to motivate others, problem-solving skills, good listening skills and the ability to help individuals find their own solutions. 

Character – A winning team will demonstrate a high level of integrity, patience, diligence and promote cooperation. 

These tools can be used to help promote a culture of positivity, boost morale and maintain talented employees, volunteers and perhaps board members in a business or organization.

Communication – Exchanging information and checking in with each other is a key component to building a winning team. Communication gives each team member an opportunity to express their thoughts or information effectively. It also provides the opportunity for team members to improve their communication skills. Communication promotes connection amongst members of the winning team. 

Commitment – Establishing trust is essential to any winning team. When a team trusts its members, they are likely to commit to the goal, project, and the company. Members gain a sense of responsibility to the team in order to fulfill its overall purpose. 

Contagious Energy – Let’s be honest. When leaders are strong, active and optimistic, others will follow their lead. They can’t help it. Positive energy IS contagious. 

With the right tools, one can establish a productive, cooperative, supportive and knowledgeable team.

Caring – Caring in the workplace? Yes, that’s a thing. People are social. Therefore, establishing an understanding and supportive workplace environment helps to nurture positive relationships which, in turn, builds winning teams. 

Consistency – A winning team must be compatible and stable.

Building any team can be a real challenge. However, with the right tools, one can establish a productive, cooperative, supportive and knowledgeable team….a Winning Team. 

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